B2B Shop - Delivery Area EU, UK and Switzerland
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Payment options

  • Prepayment via transfer
  • Payment by invoice for ragularly buying customers. This payment option is available from the third order onwards.

Further details on payment:

If you chose Prepayment via transfer you´ll receive an order confirmation with the payment request. The goods will be send after having received the full payment on our bank account.

We reserve the right at any time to carry out the delivery only against advance or cash on delivery, in particular if the customer or to a claim by us in default, there are doubts about the creditworthiness of the customer. We shall notify this after receipt of the order.

For the purpose of the creditworthiness check, we may exchange your company details with an institute for creditworthiness checking/a credit insurer.

If the customer is in default, the demand at the rate average charged by the German banks to pay interest on overdrafts. The right to assert a higher damage remains reserved. The customer is entitled to prove that due to the delay no or significantly less damage. The minimum interest rate during the delay is 8% above the base rate.

The delivered goods remain the property of ERNST & FRIENDS GmbH until they are fully paid for.

In case of questions, please contact us at the contact details mentioned in the Legal Notice.

Copyright © 2020 Ernst & Friends